Thank You Letter from the Marine Corps Coordinating Council of Rochester

Dear Fr., Maggos,

The MCCC is so very grateful for your generous donation to our group. I sent along some information on who we are and what we do.

One of our ongoing programs is providing Marines and Sailors educational scholarships so that in conjunction with their Reserve Service, their work life, their family life, they can also continue their higher education to better provide for themselves later in life.

At present the MCCC provides the following:

Syracuse USMCR – 2 spring and 2 fall $500.00 scholarships
Buffalo USMCR – 2 spring and 2 fall $500.00 scholarships
Erie, PA USMCR – 1 spring and 1 fall $500.00 scholarships
Rochester USNR – 1 spring and 1 fall $500.00 scholarship

The timing of your gift is excellent as the Buffalo unit Charlie Co. 1/25 has just returned from a year long deployment to various areas around the world.

The Marines are back with their families and ready to re-start their lives which will include restarting their higher education.

When the next round of scholarships is presented, one will be specifically from your church. I would appreciate the complete proper name and location.

Once again, thank you and your congregation for your generosity.

Warmest regards and Semper Fi,

Mike Chaba
Marine Corps Coordinating Council
Rochester, N.Y.

To view the letter in its entirety, please click here.