Last Day to Register! IndyKart Raceway Go-Karting Night ~ This Friday (2/23) @ 7:00pm

Who’s the Fastest Teen at Annunciation?? This February, we’ll be hosting our annual go-karting race at the IndyKart Raceway Indoor Karting complex. Enjoy three full races and see if you can beat Father Angelo! “INDYKART Raceway provides an authentic racing experience indoors that is great for novice and experienced drivers....

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New Video: Do All Orthodox Monasteries Look Alike? @ HOLY TRINITY MONASTERY (Smiths Creek, MI) | Tartan Priest

Father Maggos takes a tour of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Smiths Creek, Michigan and and talks about why some Greek Orthodox monasteries have an atypical look and architecture. Join us on the road with the Tartan Priest! Father Maggos travels around the world sharing inspirational messages and unique locations!

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