The 2023-24 Church and Community Events Begin!
The fall season has arrived, and another school year is beginning. Our Youth Director (Demos) has been busy this summer working with both the Sunday School and the Greek School Directors to plan out some great events for the 2023-24 school year (see his article in this issue).
SECURITY AND SAFETY. Before I talk about all the great things that will be happening this Fall, the Parish Council and I want to let everyone know about the updated security measures we have put in place. Most of you are aware that last year we installed video cameras which are located both on the exterior and interior of the church and provide instant real-time 24/7 video capture. On the exterior, these cameras are located in the front, rear and left side of the church and in the interior, in the Narthex, Sunday School classrooms and upstairs Finance room.
In addition to this the Parish Council has recruited a security firm which will be present on-site at our church during Saturday Greek School (9am-2pm) and on Sundays from 9am-2pm. We feel that these measures help ensure the safety and security of the members of our church, their family and their guests.
EDUCATION. If you have a child you want to enroll in Sunday School or Greek School, please go to our church website and click on the “REGISTRATION” button. This button is located under either the “Education”/ “Sunday School” or “Education”/ “Greek School” tabs…