Good News – December 2022

The Nativity Icon All of us appreciate the importance of icons as part of the expression of our Orthodox faith. In addition to enhancing the beauty of a church, icons serve a number of purposes for our spiritual development. Instructing the laity in matters pertaining to the Christian faith. A...

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Good News – November 2022

From Fr. Angelo, In my October Good News article, I spoke of the need for a sound strategic (long term) plan for our church and community. This month I’d like to talk about sound strategic (long term) plan for you personally. And specifically, I’m speaking about our long-term strategy for...

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Good News – October 2022

A Vision for the Future As we approach another Parish Election year it is important that we consider two critical items: 1. The need for a sound strategic (long term) plan for our church and community 2. An understanding of the relationship between Parish Council, Laity and the Priest 1....

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Good News – Aug-Sept 2022

The theme of this year’s Clergy-Laity Conference (4-7 July) was “Legacy, Renewal, Unity.” In his remarks during the opening ceremony the Archbishop urged all of us to recognize the great legacy our Greek forefathers and mothers created for us. He spoke of our individual as well as collective responsibility to...

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Good News – June 2022

With the completion of the Pascha and having experienced the joy of Christ’s resurrection, the message of His promise of salvation bears repeating in the context of what that means in our understanding of our Orthodox faith. Of course, the Christian faith can no more be expressed in the content...

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Good News – March 2022

The Fasting Regiment – What are My Options? The season of Great Lent is once again upon us as we prepare for our Lord’s glorious resurrection. As we hear in the hymn of Χριστος Ανενστη (Christ is Risen) His resurrection conquers death and grants to all Mankind freedom from the...

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Good News – February 2022

Is Tradition an Antiquated Idea? In last’s month issue, we discussed the place of the organ within the liturgical life of the Orthodox Church. So, this begs the bigger question, If it’s OK to incorporate something (i.e. the organ) into the church where chanting has been the “tradition” then what...

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Good News – January 2022

To Be or Not To Be: Use of the Organ in Church One of the questions that arises in our weekly YouTube live show and from some parishioners is the why do Orthodox Churches in America use organs? Isn’t this against our Orthodox tradition? Some conservative Orthodox will answer with...

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Good News – December 2021

Orthodox and Protestants in Dialogue Here in America we as Orthodox are certainly in the minority. According to a 2020 census membership in the Eastern Orthodox churches in America was estimated at 675,765. When compared to Catholic and Protestant churches, Orthodoxy represents far less than 1% of the total Christian...

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