Annunciation Greek Orthodox Youth & Teen Ministry

Our Youth & Teen Ministry (or GOYA – the Greek Orthodox Youth of America) provides a community group for our youth to connect and build strong ties to one another. Our ministry helps our youth form their sense of identity and bridges their sense of belonging to Greek Orthodox of the Annunciation Rochester.

A Look Ahead…

Coming Fall 2024:

Join us this Fall for a wide array of teen and all ages events including mini-golf, costume dance parties, movie nights, escape rooms, and more!

Upcoming events

About the Annunciation Youth & Teen Ministry

We minister to pre-teens and teenagers of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America in middle and high school (7th -12th grades. All Youth in the Greek Orthodox of the Annunciation Rochester are members of our ministry (or GOYA). 

Fellowship binds us to our Church and our community of 2nd and 3rd generation Greek Orthodox Youth.  As our teenagers move through their life-the joys and struggles, the tests of adolescence, being pulled in different directions, work, sports, school, relationships, and social media management,  their roots keep them grounded and strong.  Our ministry is a continuation of Sunday School and Greek School.  These are our children’s life friends-the people they have grown up with and that haven’t changed. They are grounded together in similar beliefs and cultural practices. 

Our youth experience worship by:

  • Actively participating and being  present for feast days and Divine Liturgy.
  • Learning the hymns and prayers
  • Serving as Altar boys
  • Participating in Choir
  • Presenting at the Annual Oratorical Festival
  • Participating as a Reader for our Church Services

Our youth experience fellowship by:

  • Participating in St. Timothy’s Summer Camp 
  • Participating Annunciation camps and retreats
  • Traveling to Syracuse and Buffalo for Church events
  • Volunteering at the Annual Greek School Apokriatiko Dance
  • Attending the March 25th Greek School celebration
  • Performing at the Greek Festival
  • Attending church, all additional Youth & Teen events, and other church related activities

Our youth serve by:

  • Actively engaging in service projects of our church
  • Volunteering at the Greek Festival
  • Volunteering at the annual Apokriatiko Dance
  • Volunteering at Greek School 
  • Assisting in Sunday School
  • Participating in the Rochester Breast Cancer Walk

Annunciation Festival & Event Videos