Annunciation Parishioners,
All the information you’ll need to prepare for this meeting is available on the Our Parish page of the church website. [NOTE: This is an information only General Assembly.]
As the General Assembly is our primary way of keeping you informed and your opportunity to provide your input on our future it is important for you to attend, either in person or on-line, so that we can achieve a quorum.
For those that will be attending the GA via live stream, we ask that you adhere to the following requirements.
- Please provide your name in the chat feature of YouTube so we can record all the GA attendees.
- Voting is open only to members in good standing. This means that you have filled out a 2023 stewardship card and have paid some portion towards your annual commitment.
- If you want to ask a question please write that question in the chat feature. There will be a PC member monitoring the chat feature to make sure your questions are answered. Please include your name with the question so we can properly record all conversations.
~ Fr Angelo and the Parish Council