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Reminder: Greek Orthodox Teaching Liturgies 2024 ~ Next Two Sundays, (10/13 & 20)

Join us as we learn about the DIVINE LITURGY

Sunday, October 13th and Sunday, October 20th 2024

Once again I will conduct a two-part TEACHING LITURGY, where I pause the service at various points to explain the meaning of each part of the Divine Liturgy.

The Divine Liturgy is the central mystery of the Church. Through this educational journey, you will gain a deeper understanding of the Divine Liturgy and serves as the living tradition of the saving acts of Jesus Christ: His life, death, resurrection, ascension, enthronement in heaven, and the anticipation of His glorious second coming.

This Teaching Liturgy will be presented over two consecutive Sundays.

PART 1 will be Sunday, October 13th and will focus on this first part (Liturgy of the Word) which will cover the Doxology, Great Litany, Antiphons, Trisagion Hymn, Epistle and Gospel Readings, and the Changeable Festal Hymns.

PART 2 will be the following Sunday, October 20th, and will cover the Great Entrance and Cherubic Hymn, Completion Litany, The Creed, Anaphora, the Remembrance and the Epiclikis, Lord’s Prayer, Ambon Prayer and Dismissal.

~ Father Maggos