Annunciation Community Center Proposal

When I accepted the role of Youth Director, I was met with much support and a list of challenges on the table. We have been blessed with a robust Sunday School program, active GOYA group, and a bevy of good-spirited, excited youth; however, it is clear that these youth are...

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Greek Independence 2023 Strong!

Dear Greek School Families and Parishioners, Congratulations to all! We had a wonderful event for our Greek Independence Day! A job well done by all the students; they made their teachers and families proud! A lot of individuals helped us prepare for the event by getting involved early in the...

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Good News – May 2023

Reflections on Holy Week While every Holy Week and Resurrection service is beautiful, this year was especially memorable in that it was immensely joyful to see our church filled once again to celebrate this most important event of our Orthodox faith. COVID certainly has had an impact on all of...

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