Annunciation Greek Orthodox Greek School


Annunciation Greek Orthodox parish members and/or non-member families can enroll any of their children who are attending NY State K-12 school.  Children can enroll when they are in 1st grade of NY State school.

Greek School starts in mid-September and ends in late May, right before the Greek Festival. Classes meet every Saturday morning 9:30 am – 1 pm.

Each class has its own structure, materials and resources – both in-person and online -, and each teacher provides guidance and support to the students. Structure, materials and resources are taken from multiple sources to ensure diversity of thought and ease of use based on the student’s language level.

We offer several events, activities, field trips and surprises for our students.  Event examples include the Christmas Pageant, the Apokriatiko Dance, 25th of March Celebration, Greek Dancing Practices, Trip to local Greek shops where kids are encouraged to converse in Greek, our Annual Field Trip to Seabreeze and so many more fun things!

Each class has baseline metrics outlined. Report cards are provided to the parents twice a year, and a Regents exam can be taken in 7th Grade to receive high-school credit.

The best strategy and approach is to speak Greek at home as much as possible. Assisting your children with Greek School homework is also very important, and ensuring that the kids arrive at school on time and attend any virtual classes regularly. Ellinopoula and YouTube have some wonderful resources to offer listening in the Greek language and we can provide resource examples. Any exposure to other members of your family who might be speaking Greek is also a great opportunity to learn from them (e.g. yiayias/papous, theias/theios etc)  We understand that some parents might not speak the language, so please reach out to the Greek School Directors or your child’s teacher to discuss specifically about the support you can provide.

We often encourage our Greek School graduates to come back and help in our classrooms and/or with events. A few of our teachers also attended Greek School when they were young, and came back to teach as adults. If you or your adult child(ren) is interested in volunteering to our Greek School program, please reach out to the Greek School Directors.