Good News – November 2024

From Fr. Angelo

Who Will Lead Us into the Future?

In my October Good News article, I discussed the need for a sound strategic (long-term) plan for our church and community. This month, I’d like to discuss a long-term plan for you personally. And I’m speaking about a long-term strategy not just for our older parishioners in preparation for retirement, but also for our next generation of younger parishioners who will inherit the leadership of our church.

Jesus spoke often about the proper use of our God-given talents. Each of us has been given a talent and it’s our responsibility to cultivate that talent in a manner pleasing to God. Here in our parish, we have doctors, lawyers, teachers, musicians, restaurant owners, etc., each of whom provides a valuable service to our community…but many of you joyously bring those talents to our parish by serving on boards, organizing our many activities, leading our Greek Festival, etc.

These activities, however, cannot be isolated incidents but must work towards a purposeful long-range strategy. And this strategy, to be effective, requires two important elements;

  1. A recognition by the younger generation of the responsibility to pick up the mantle of leadership
  2. A solid commitment by the elders of the church to properly mentor our young leaders…

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