We hope everyone is having a refreshing summer and that most of you have been able to celebrate summer activities without masks! It has been a long road to get on the other side of COVID, but we have arrived, and I am very excited to be starting Religious Education (i.e.; Sunday School) for our youth in person beginning in September. Many of our teachers are also excited to get back in the classroom and continue to lend their dedication and expertise to the education of our youth.
I want to thank both Sarah Ann and Soultana for their time as Sunday School Directors but due to particular family demands they are not able to continue in this position. However, God always provides, and Lauren Gashlin and Karina Onderdonk have agreed to take over this position. I also want to thank Demos for all his hard work in providing high-quality educational Sunday School videos during the Pandemic which were cru-cial to me to maintain a presence with our kids during the Pandemic…