This Week’s Annunciation Livestream Schedule (Week 49 / 2024)
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church of Rochester Livestream Schedule for December 2nd – December 8th 2024
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church of Rochester Livestream Schedule for December 2nd – December 8th 2024
In this installment of Orthodox Virtual Sunday School, Father Maggos explores Jesus’ Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard which yielded the famous phrase, “The last will be first and the first will be last.” What did Jesus mean with this parable? Is it as unfair as it may appear...
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church of Rochester Livestream Schedule for November 18th – November 24th 2024
Do Christians observe the Sabbath as specified in the Old Testament? Is it considered similar to what is called “The Lord’s Day,” or Sunday? Join Father Maggos as he navigates the history of the Orthodox Christian perspective on the Sabbath and what our expectations are; plus, does our worship on...
Father Maggos shares three ghost stories (two funny and one Biblical) at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church’s third annual Trunk or Treat event! Enjoy various decorations and costumes on display and share in the laughs at Father’s corny jokes! Join us for Orthodox Virtual Sunday School, hosted by Father Maggos. In...
We return with a new season of Orthodox Virtual Sunday School! This year, we’re returning to the New Testament with more stories and parables; plus, a look at the lives of Orthodox saints! To kick off, we explore an oft-overlooked event found only in the Gospel of Matthew – the...
Does the Orthodox Church believe in the concept of Aerial Toll Houses where souls are judged on their journey to Heaven? Father Maggos breaks down the belief, history, and ideological arguments that have been presented over the centuries. Join us for Greek Orthodox 101 – our multi-part series exploring the...
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church of Rochester Livestream Schedule for September 9th – September 15th 2024
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church of Rochester Livestream Schedule for August 12th – August 18th 2024
Father Maggos visits Seabreeze Amusement Park in New York and Cedar Point in Ohio to explore Orthodox Christian risk-taking. Are roller-coasters prohibited in our faith? What about other forms of risk or challenge such as parachuting or even driving automobiles? Special thanks to Seabreeze for allowing us to film in...