Spring General Assembly 2023 ~ Sunday, May 21st @ 12:30pm

Annunciation Parishioners, All the information you’ll need to prepare for this meeting is available on the Our Parish page of the church website. [NOTE: This is an information only General Assembly.] As the General Assembly is our primary way of keeping you informed and your opportunity to provide your input...

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Hellenic University Club of New York Scholarship 2023-24

The Hellenic University Club of New York is pleased to announce the continuation of its Undergraduate Scholarship Program to support and encourage high school seniors entering college in the 2023 – 2024 academic year. The scholarship awards are offered in support of deserving Greek-American students who have exemplified high scholastic...

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Annunciation Community Center Proposal

When I accepted the role of Youth Director, I was met with much support and a list of challenges on the table. We have been blessed with a robust Sunday School program, active GOYA group, and a bevy of good-spirited, excited youth; however, it is clear that these youth are...

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Good News – May 2023

Reflections on Holy Week While every Holy Week and Resurrection service is beautiful, this year was especially memorable in that it was immensely joyful to see our church filled once again to celebrate this most important event of our Orthodox faith. COVID certainly has had an impact on all of...

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Holy Week 2023 Safety Announcement

Annunciation Parishioners, As some of you have already heard, last Friday at about 4:30pm there was an unsuccessful attempt to steal my Kia Sportage. While they were not able to steal the vehicle it was vandalized.  This is unfortunately the third incident of vandalism at our church.  There have also...

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Good News – April 2023

Let Pascha Become Our Way of Life While there have been countless articles written about the joy of Christ’s Resurrection as our promise of salvation it bears repeating so that we understand why this event, our Lord’s Passion, Death and Resurrection is so significant for not only us as Orthodox...

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Good News – March 2023

What Happens During Great Lent? The services of Great Lent are constructed to aid us in a somber review of the gap between who we are and what we should be, as the image and likeness of God. The royal gates to the altar area remain closed as a physical...

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