Good News – August/September 2021

We hope everyone is having a refreshing summer and that most of you have been able to celebrate summer activities without masks! It has been a long road to get on the other side of COVID, but we have arrived, and I am very excited to be starting Religious Education...

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Good News – June 2021

Orthodoxy: A Way of Life Now that Pascha has passed and we have all received the Light of Christ, what now? Some will answer saying “Live the Orthodox way of life.” But what does that mean? Of course the Christian way of life, no less the Orthodox way of life,...

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Good News – May 2021

The Faith Entrusted to Us In the 2020 census of the status of Eastern Orthodox Churches in America there was found a dramatic change in the Orthodox Church participation, mainly a decline of 14% in regular church attendance and 17% loss in members. While the Orthodox Church has struggled with...

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Good News – March/April 2021

Journey through Lent The services of Great Lent are characterized by an atmosphere of a penitential character. In most Orthodox Churches, the royal gates to the altar area remain closed to remind us of Man’s separation through sin from the Kingdom of God. The church is decorated in somber colors,...

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Good News – January/February 2021

Truth Matters As is probably no surprise to anyone, a recent study by Edelman’s annual Trust Barometer found that credibility in traditional media such as TV news, Radio, and Facebook, has declined to an all-time low with the following statistics: 56% of Americans agree with the statement that “Journalists and...

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Good News – December 2020

We once again celebrate Christmas, that is, the important and reverent festival of love and compassion of God. Within the brilliance of this joyful feast, Our Lord Jesus, the humble infant in the manger, carries the light-bearing essence of our lives. The Son and the Word of God, out of...

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Good News – November 2020

At one of my recent Sunday sermons, I spoke about the importance and impact that positive mentoring can have on retaining our young adults (25-40 years old) in our Annunciation church Community. This topic has been one of the issues this parish, along with many other in the Archdiocese, continue...

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Good News – September 2020

For obvious reasons, two of the most popular videos on our Church’s YouTube channel are, “It is Safe to Receive Holy Communion” and “How is Holy Communion prepared”, each of which have over 14,000 views. In these videos, I discuss the science and the faith of receiving Holy Communion. In...

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Good News – August 2020

This month in light of the events occurring in our country calling for justice, immediate change, and no less than a tearing down of established institutions, I wanted to explore two quotes, one from the Old Testament and the other from one of Orthodoxy’s prolific saints in an effort to...

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