St. Patrick’s Day Baklava Sale 2021
Get your lucky shamrock baklava and help support our Church throughout all of March! $15 (8 pieces). To make an order, please call (585) 244-3377.
Get your lucky shamrock baklava and help support our Church throughout all of March! $15 (8 pieces). To make an order, please call (585) 244-3377.
Please support our church by pre-ordering the perfect Valentine sweet – baklava! $15 (8 pieces) – available for pickup February 10-28. To make an order, please call (585) 244-3377 or e-mail (please include your name, order detail, and phone number).
Get delicious Greek dishes and desserts for Thanksgiving 2020! Spanakopita, tyropita, baklava, tsoureki, and more! Proceeds to benefit a local philanthropic charity. Please get your orders in by Wednesday, Nov. 18th. Orders will be available for pickup in the Church Hall the Sunday before Thanksgiving (Nov. 22nd). Please call for...
Please join us for Annunciation’s Annual Golf Tournament at Cobblestone Creek Country Club, Monday, Sept. 28. Tee times beginning at 8:00 a.m. Golf Sign Up Form 2020
Here are the rubrics from the Antiochian Service Book It is traditional that the Lamentations at the Bier of the Mother of God be chanted at Great Vespers on the eve of the Feast. Immediately following the Hymn of Righteous Simeon the clergy come to stand before the Bier (in...
Available after The Panagia Service First Come, First Serve – Place an Order Ahead Please Have Your Masks On Thank you for your support